Freie berufsbildende Schule [Dresden/Germany, since 2017]
Since 2017 I work as a freelance teacher in adult education at the Free Vocational School in Dresden, taking over the supervision of specialized work to obtain the degree "state approved educator" exams and examinations and give project lessons on the topics: media, photography, artistic expression, upcycling etc.
website: http://www.fbs-dresden.de

Buchkindergarten Leipzig [Leipzig/Germany, 2013-2018]
For more than 5 years I worked as a state-recognized educator in the Buchkindergarten accompanying children aged 1 to 6 years. Buchkindergarten - means that the focus of that kindergarten in addition to the daily work with children, is also based on the creative will of the children, which leads to stories and books that can be created in one's own printing workshop. The work is conceptually based on the ideas Celestine Freinets (kindergarten) and Emmi Pikler (creche) and is combined in an ongoing process with the experiences from the book child labor and the everyday perceptions to a own buchkindergarten conception, in which I was involved.
website: http//:www.buchkindergarten.de

Quinta do sol - Forest Tribe - Kids Eco Village [Serpins/Portugal, 2017]
During my stay in Serpins in 2017, long discussions took place on the design of the Eco-Kids-Village / Forest Tribe site at the Quinta de Sol, as well as an intensive discussion on the content and pedagogy of the project with children with free-time and home-schooling background. Unfortunately, the Quinta de Sol was directly affected by the devastating forest fires of 2017 around Serpins / Lousa, which brought the initiative to a standstill.
website: http://www.quintadosol.org/about.html

águAmãe [Portalegre/ Portugal, 2017]
During my stay in Portalegre in 2017 I built together with children a children's playground for the emerging ecovillage with the few available natural resources. The result was the "Nautilus", a wooden climbing ship.
Webseite: http://aguamae.wixsite.com
fineartfotografie [Leipzig/Germany, since 2013]
For the photographer Mandy Hellinger, who specializes in wedding and portrait photography, I occasionally worked as a photographer and helped her with website design and support.
Webseite: http://www.fineartfotografie.net
F-L-O-W-S [Santa Cruz da Trapa/Portugal, 2016]
Flows is a project platform of a community in the north of Portugal. The inhabitants of the secluded and impassable valley offer those interested an insight into and participation in their alternative way of life far away from luxury and modern fast-paced life. (eco-village, eco-farming, organic food, natural energy supply, home schooling, etc.) For the web presentation of the project I photographed the valley and the people together with Mandy Hellinger. In addition, I developed ideas for Earth Kids Terrace for the holiday and retreat offer of Melanie and Jens and carried out the first realization.
website: https://flows.live/
Dipl. Rest. Mandy Hellinger [Leipzig/Germany, 2014-2017]
For the freelance diploma restorer for historical, modern and contemporary painting on mobile picture carriers such as canvas, cardboard, wood and metal as well as painting copier, I built up and maintained her internet presence.
website: http://www.restaurierung-hellinger.de
Interessengemeinschaft Kranichgrund [Herzberg/Germany, 2011-2018]
The "Interessengemeinschaft Kranichgrund" (short: IG Kranichgrund) was the voluntary association of citizens primarily from Ahlsdorf, Hohenkuhnsdorf and Schmielsdorf (the "Kranichgrund"), which belong as districts to the free city of Schönewalde in the district of Elbe-Elster (Brandenburg). The members of the IG Kranichgrund volunteered for the promotion of art and culture, the promotion of monument protection and preservation of monuments and the promotion of science and research (especially regional research). During my longest project support I worked in different fields of activity: Website design and support / initiation, consulting and support for the 1st Brandenburg State Exhibition 2014 in Doberlug-Kirchhain under the motto "Scenes of a Neighborhood" / project management for the rehabilitation of the organ of Ahlsdorf / consulting of the Association in strategic and association issues as well as in the matters: contract law, cultural marketing, fundraising and public relations, formation and orientation as a society / advertising design (posters, flyers, programs) / photography, photo documentation / research and surveys: household survey and data and environment analysis of the cultural Life in the region Schönewalde in June-July 2012.
website: http://www.kranichgrund.de
1st Brandenburg State Exhibition 2014 - School theater project "The coveted church tower"[Herzberg/Germany, 2014-15]
During my research on regional and local history and the confrontation with the old fairy tales and legends, the idea of ​​a school theater play was born together with the chairman of the Interessengemeinschaft Kranichgrund and a local historian from the Lower Fläming. This was staged together with the elementary school "Otto Nagel" Schönewalde, with the participation of the dance group of the school nursery "Sunshine" Schönewalde and instrumentalists of the Kreismusikschule "Brothers Graun" Herzberg and found as a play "The coveted church tower" for the 1st Brandenburg State Exhibition 2014 much attention.
I was jointly responsible for the theater theater project for planning and implementation and accompanied the processes as an advertising material designer (posters / program booklet) and photographer, as well as created the project documentation.
Link to the project documentation
cynal e.V. [Dresden/Germany, 2012-2014]
Cynal.de was an open platform on which dates from the regional art scene were announced and essays, reviews or free literary texts could be published. The focus was primarily on contemporary art in an expanded artistic, theoretical and social context. The aim of the association was the independent promotion of young fine arts and other cultural events within the social life, and to enrich the cultural landscape of Dresden. Cynal.de was developed with the aim to invigorate a space for free dialogue at a sophisticated level and cultural reflection and to help in the networking of artists, authors and projects.
My tasks in this project were the acquisition of funds and the fundraising for the book CYNAL # 02, the cooperation in the development of event concepts and cultural projects as well as in the marketing conception, process support in restructuring and consulting of the association in strategic and association issues.
Kunstretter-Leipzig e.V. [Leipzig/Germany, 2012-2013]
The initiative KUNSTRETTER is based on the idea of ​​reintegrating forgotten works of art into our society today. It is not only about the restoration of the objects, but also about the scientific processing of their history, their involvement in cultural and tourist activities in the region and the possibility of their publication both on our website and in special printed matter.
My project work consisted in the cooperation in the pilot project "Zehmener Altar" / the press and public relations work for the pilot project "Zehmener Altar" and the supporting events: salon talk - an altar in the glass "coffin"? [16th June 2012], call "Zehmen an unforgotten homeland" [16. June 2012] as well as the benefit concert of the Leipzig Symphony Orchestra in favor of the Zehmener Altar [14.July 201 at the Kulturhaus Böhlen] / the work as a photographer / the funding acquisition & fundraising of the association as well as in the consultation and process-accompanying leadership in the cultural sector
website: http://www.kunstretter-leipzig.de

Investigation of the whereabouts of the Ahlsdorfer Puteal [Dresden/Germany, 2012]
My task was to investigate the whereabouts of the Ahlsdorfer Puteals, which disappeared from Ahlsdorf Castle in the post-war period. After half a year of intensive research, I was able to rediscover the supposedly antique piece that successfully completed research and classified the object through art and cultural history.

Förderkreis Barockkirche Ahlsdorf [Ahlsdorf/Germany, 2009-2012]
The Förderkreis Barockkirche Ahlsdorf was created in July 2011 from the commitment of Ahlsdorf parishioners, whose goal was to promote the renovation of the church building and the church organ. The birth of the band is marked by a series of charity concerts as part of the initiative "Music Schools Open Churches" and concerts with lecturers and students of the Institute of Music Education at the University of Music and Performing Arts Leipzig. From the circle later went out the community of interest Kranichgrund. I accompanied the Förderkreis in the process of restructuring and orientation as an association, developed a cultural concept on its behalf or created a study for the cultural enhancement / development in rural areas and took on the advertising design (posters / program booklets).
spacecadets [Leipzig/Germany, since1995]
The Spacecadets is my very own project from the early days of my musical development as a DJ and organizer. Over time, it has undergone some changes in staffing and content. There were also breaks in creative work: 1999-2008 and since 2013. A constant constant and drive were the desire to experiment and the curiosity for new musical landscapes. The project resulted in 1999 in the DJ crew operation mindfuck. Currently the project is resting.
website: http://www.spacecadets.de

operation mindfuck [Leipzig/Germany, 1999-2005]
The "operation mindfuck" was a Leipzig DJ crew, who decisively helped shape the Leipzig electronic music scene from 1999-2003. In this time fall a multitude of successful Drum'n'Bass & Breakbeat events, which from the end of 2000 carried more and more an experimental charakter and finally led to a musical realignment, towards the IDM, to the new electronica. The result of that development was the label ma'at Founded which was founded together with the musician Camoz in 2001. With the departure of the "club mainstream" the team acted on smaller terrain and more and more from the background, before it broke up in 2003. In 2005 it briefly experienced a revival through a cooperation with the breakbeatmassaker-crew, in which I was also involved DJ and organizer.